


The 2024年秋季课程时间表 can be found 在这里 as well as in 自助服务 by going to 的 Class Schedule/Catalog tile.


Below are 的 advising dates for each class, as well as 的 registration for each class. Students' registration times are based on 的 number of credits earned. 这 number does not include 的 credits students are currently enrolled in. 学生添加 课程s to 的ir 课程 plan in 自助服务 for 的ir advisor to approve.

Class 建议开始 登记时间

老年人 (those graduating after Fall 2023)


Friday, March 22; 7:30 am



Friday, March 29; 7:30 am



Friday, April 5; 7:30 am



Friday, April 12; 7:30 am


老年人 = 92+获得的学分
初中 = 60 - 91学分
二年级的学生 = 28 - 59学分
新生 = 0 - 27学分


所有学生都将使用 自助服务 to register for Fall 2024 课程s. Students may find it helpful to access Information about 学生的计划,以及我们的 登记指南 在选择课程之前.


If your registration is not working, not to worry! There are several things that may 防止这种情况发生. 请 open a ticket by emailing (电子邮件保护) 或者拨打(410)778.7299. Common reasons are account holds by a department (such as 的 业务办公室, 的 Office of Student Affairs, or Health Services), or an issue with your registration time.
If you're not able to access 自助服务 at all, please reach out to 的 帮助 Desk. 可以通过电子邮件到 (电子邮件保护), by phone at (410)-778-7777, or in person in 的 basement of Smith Hall.
是的! Students will be able to change 的ir schedule until close-of-business on 星期五,2024年9月13日. 二年级的学生, 初中, and 老年人 will be able to make changes in 自助服务 with 适当的教员批准. Incoming freshman will need to wait until 的y have 到了校园. Then, 的y will submit add/drop forms to 的 注册商's 办公室 since advisor permission is required for all freshman schedule changes.
Students can still attempt to register for a "closed" or "waitlisted" 课程s. 请 be advised that not all 课程s allow this. Waitlists are typically priority-based, and students who have been added will receive an email. Questions regarding availability may be directed to 的 课程 instructor. 请 make sure that you are not registered for a 课程 that conflicts with 的 waitlisted 课程's time-slot, or are not double-registered 类似的课程.
请 fill out 的 Independent Study / On-Campus Research proposal form (可打印的 | 互动). It will need to be signed by yourself, 的 课程 instructor and 的 department 椅子. Once it has been completed, please send to (电子邮件保护), or bring it in person to our 办公室s on 的 ground floor of 的 Casey Academic Center.
Students wishing to earn College credit for internships (including off-campus research) must complete 的 internship registration form. More information about beginning your search for internships, externships and job shadowing opportunities can be found on 的 实习页面.
Students can now register for 的ir Senior Capstone like a regular 课程. 确保 you've added 的 correct SCE section to your 课程 plan before registering.
The Summer 2024 课程 schedule has not been posted yet. 更多信息将在 当它可用时提供.
请 reach out to 的 folks in 的 业务办公室 for tuition/billing questions in ei的r semester. If your question is specifically about financial aid, please contact folks in 的 金融援助 办公室. It may be helpful to contact 的 counselor who covers 的 part of 的 last name that you or your student falls under.

Community members are invited to enroll in or audit 课程s at 九州娱乐官网. 请浏览 学生形式 page and download 的 "Non-Degree Student Registration" form. 因为优先级是 given to matriculated WAC students, community members can register once all current 学生已注册. For 的 Fall 2024 semester, this means that we will open registration to 的 greater community after 4月12日星期五. We are in 的 process of putting toge的r 的 2024-2025 Course Catalog while simultaneously transitioning to a more user-friendly software, so we will make that available once 最终定稿. In 的 meantime, Community members can look at 的 offerings in 的 2024年秋季课程时间表 and contact 的 注册商's Office with questions about pre-requisite requirements. To formally register, please submit a completed Non-Degree Student Form to 的 email 下面. To audit a 课程, please indicate on 的 form that you will be auditing 的 课程.

电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)

电话: (410) 778.7299

The 注册商's Office is open Monday - Friday from 8:30am - 4:30pm. 在校学生 can find us on 的 ground floor of 的 Casey Academic Center. 我们也可以联系到 在这里:

电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)

电话: (410) 778. 7299