

九州娱乐官网's 241st 毕业典礼 Exercises. 2024年5月19日星期日上午10:00.m



Caps and gowns should be ordered through Oak Hall's 网站. 学生不需要支付学位帽和学位服的费用,它是作为毕业费用的一部分支付的 哪一个是三月份的. Deadline to order is April 11, 2024. 帽子和长袍 在毕业典礼前的周五彩排时分发给学生.

为了配合这个正式的场合,所有的毕业生都必须穿学院认可的礼服 regalia in order to participate in 毕业典礼 exercises. 这个饰物包括一个 black cap and gown complemented by a maroon and white hood. 毕业典礼上, 学生们可能会戴上丝带或围巾,以表明他们参加了华盛顿的活动 学校认可的组织或活动,以及认可的荣誉社团 别针或慈善绳. Only these cords or stoles may be worn; no other decorations or accessories, including decorations to graduation caps, are permitted. 如果你不确定一个项目是否被批准,请联系注册办公室 at (电子邮件保护).

为了与“乔治走向绿色”倡议保持一致,学生们佩戴的徽章将会 由100%回收产品制成,供学生在仪式后保留.

A list of area accommodations can be found on our 当地的住宿 网站. Some area hotels may have a “毕业典礼” rate. 请直接打给他们 to inquire and make the necessary arrangements. 您也可以查看 肯特郡住宿页面 其他住宿选择.


作为一个校园,我们为毕业生的家庭提供留在校园的机会 在学生宿舍. 请浏览 研究生家庭住房 registration  for more information and to book your room(s).

There is no reserved seating at 毕业典礼. There is an ADA area that is off the 行走路径. 那个区域是为那些需要美国残疾人协会座位加一个额外的人准备的. 如果您需要帮助,请致电(410)778-7743校园活动办公室 提前.

No tickets are required if the 毕业典礼 is held outside. 没有限制 the number of guests you may bring. 如天气恶劣,毕业典礼须移至室内举行, 每位客人必须出示入场券才能进入约翰逊健身中心. 一场雨 call will be made by the Friday before commencement at 4pm.

Please note ticket information is subject to change.

ADA座位(户外仪式): 无障碍座位区将为残疾客人预留 还有一个同伴. Seating in these areas is general and unreserved. 轮椅空间 与同伴座位也分散在毕业典礼现场的一般 座位区. 请注意 all 座位区s are in the grass. 九州娱乐官网 does not provide wheelchairs. Ushers will help guide individuals 到指定的ADA区域.

ADA Access for Restrooms (Outdoor Ceremony): 威廉·史密斯礼堂有室外的毕业典礼洗手间. 如需ADA通道,请使用大楼后方的电梯 一楼. All Gender restroom's are available on the ground level and 1st floor; Women’s restrooms are available on the 2nd floor; Men’s restrooms are available on 三楼. Additional directional signs will be displayed. 

美国手语翻译服务: There will be a sign-language interpreter at the 毕业典礼 仪式. 如果你需要 请致电(410)778-7743与校园活动办公室联系 5月14日前.

Simulcast information, Captioning and ADA access (Outdoor Ceremony): Simulcast with captions are available via 我们的流媒体网站 在威廉·史密斯大厅113室和诺曼·詹姆斯剧院,这两个房间都位于 在一楼. ADA access to the 1st floor is via the 一楼 through the rear of the building (Help Desk entrance) by use of the elevator. 请注意 Norman James Theatre is a sloped 空间.

ADA停车场(户外仪式): 停车 near the 仪式 is limited. 如果你的车 an accessible parking tag, 您将被引导到威廉史密斯大厅后面的残障客人下车处 and park in the nearest accessible parking 空间. There will be some reserved accessible 在座位区附近为残疾客人提供停车位和方便的下车区. 将提供礼宾车和班车,帮助家庭成员停车 活动场地范围. Designated areas near the Public Safety officers will be present at the location to help direct 交通和停车.

ADA座位(室内典礼):如遇恶劣天气,毕业典礼将 be held in the Johnson Fitness Center(JFC). 如遇下雨或在室内举行毕业典礼,每位学生将获发六张入场券 and it is up to them to distribute. The JFC is ADA accessible at the main entrance point. 所有座位均为ADA无障碍座位 还能放轮椅. Restrooms in the hallway outside the Field House are accessible.

联播信息,字幕和ADA访问(室内仪式):与 captions are available via 我们的流媒体网站 and in William Smith Hall in Room 113 and Norman James Theatre. 两个房间都位于 在一楼. ADA access to the 1st floor is via the 一楼 through the rear of the building (Help Desk entrance) by use of the elevator. 请注意 Norman James Theatre is a sloped 空间.

ADA 停车 (Indoor Ceremony): 停车 near the 仪式 is limited. 如果你的车 一个无障碍停车标签,您将被引导到残障客人下车 在约翰逊健身中心的车道上停车,并将车停在最近的无障碍停车场 空间. 请注意,有一座山可以进入大楼,但可以进入 没有步骤. 将提供礼宾车和班车来帮助家庭成员 from other parking 活动场地范围. Public Safety officers will be present at the location to help direct 交通和停车.

有关访问问题和一般毕业典礼问题,请联系校园活动 办公室电话:(410)778-7743或 (电子邮件保护).

This event will be offered to virtual guests on 我们的流媒体网站  上午9:55开始.m. 在活动当天. 请使用这个 link.

Please do not bring your pets; only 服务 animals are permitted at 毕业典礼.

定制毕业通知和其他项目可通过赫夫-琼斯订购 在他们的 网站 或拨打(800)447-4723. The 九州娱乐官网 Bookstore does not provide this 服务. 

九州娱乐官网的教职员工和管理人员希望创造一种礼貌和 respectful environment in which to celebrate our newest alumni. 我们要求所有的毕业典礼 与会者避免因使用而扰乱周末的正式仪式 噪音制造者(如喇叭、牛铃和扩音器),叫喊或吟唱, or high-volume mobile phone ringtones and conversations. 沙滩球和其他物体 禁止分散注意力. Additionally, College policies that restrict the use 在生效前、生效期间和生效后,烟草和酒精的法律仍然有效 仪式. 特别是被发现提供酒精物质的在校生 在给他们毕业的同学送行或授予学位时可以 受司法诉讼.

文凭 will be mailed to each graduate following 毕业典礼. 毕业生应 六月中前收到.

我们邀请2024届毕业生的家属向他们的毕业生表示敬意并表示感谢 for a special member of the 九州娱乐官网 community by making a gift to The Washington Fund 为了纪念他们的毕业. 访问 the Washington Fund 页面 to find out more.

显示 & wear your 九州娱乐官网 pride! From diploma frames to sweatshirts, find graduation gift ideas at the 九州娱乐官网 Bookstore.

使用此链接到 九州娱乐官网捐赠页面 给你们毕业班的礼物. You can designate your gift to any cause of your choosing (Washington Fund, club, department, team, etc.). 只需在表单上注明即可 然后是他们的年级.

即将毕业的大三和大四学生会发现大量相关信息 to the College’s graduation policies and requirements on the 毕业要求 页面. 

停车 is available throughout campus. Please be aware that parking near the 毕业典礼 site and on the nearby streets is limited. Cars parked illegally or otherwise blocking College or town streets are subject to towing at the owner’s expense. 礼貌高尔夫 cart shuttles will be running on 周日 starting at 8:30 a.m. 紧接着 the 仪式 to transport guests to and from their vehicles.

ADA停车: Accessible parking is limited on campus. Even if your car has a handicapped permit, 您将被引导到威廉史密斯大厅后面的残障客人下车处 (室外仪式)或约翰逊健身中心前(室内仪式)和 park in the nearest ADA parking area. 礼貌高尔夫 carts will be available to assist family members from parking 活动场地范围. Designated areas near the 毕业典礼 典礼场地将会限制特别需要人士泊车及方便特殊需要人士下车 客人靠近座位区. Public Safety officers will be there to help direct 交通和停车.

学院与毕业照片签订了合同,在毕业典礼上拍摄照片 仪式. 毕业典礼后,您将由毕业照片独立联系 有证据来证明. For more information, please visit their 网站: 毕业照片. 由于授予游行的精心安排,它不是 每个家庭都可以接近平台为他们的毕业生拍照 当他们拿到文凭的时候.

Ushers will distribute programs starting at 9:00 a.m. 周日. 数码版本是 expected to be available after noon on Friday before commencement. 程序将 be posted online in a downloadable PDF format. We encourage you to consider the environment 以及九州娱乐官网通过使用数字版本来实现可持续发展的承诺 程序的.


No tickets are required if the 毕业典礼 is held outside. 没有限制 the number of guests you may bring. 如遇恶劣天气,毕业典礼将在约翰逊健身中心举行 中心(JFC). 为了应对这种可能发生的情况,注册主任办公室将分发 tickets to graduates at the mandatory rehearsal on Friday. 每个学生都会被发给 6票. 每个学生都有责任把这些票分发给他们的朋友 及时通知朋友和家人,因为进入实地考察所将受到限制 给那些有票的人.

Additional tickets are not available for purchase.

一些校园将提供带有视频直播的室内观看场所 位置. Simulcast with captions are available via 我们的流媒体网站 and in William Smith Hall in Room 113 and Norman James Theatre. 两个房间都位于 在一楼. ADA access to the 1st floor is via the 一楼 through the rear of the building (Help Desk entrance) by use of the elevator. 请注意 Norman James Theatre is a sloped 空间

The College yearbook, Pegasus, will only be available electronically. 的年鉴 should be completed by 毕业典礼.